iPad mini vs Nexus 7 Drop Test [Video]

As always, we bring you the drop test for the latest device you cared about. Although drop test dont usually mean anything at all. You wont buy your device based on how well it will fair in drops. Or you like to buy a tablet and drop it everyday then we have no comment. Anyway, this is the drop test between iPad mini and Nexus 7 from Android Authority. Who will fair better?

Steve Jobs Resurrect for iPhone 5!

Dear readers, littlegeeko has not been updated for awhile now and we are very sorry about that. We have something to do out of the country and have no way to update this awesome blog. Sorry for the disappointment but we are now back to business and we will keep littlegeeko as active as possible. Especially during the iPhone 5 craze! Come back for more on the iPhone 5. For now, we would like to share a video on Steve Jobs’ resurrection which we think is amusing. Have fun watching!

Coming up right after this…everything you have to/should know about the iPhone 5!

Will Microsoft’s Surface kill off Apple’s iPad?

Since the Surface for Windows was unveiled, many tech bloggers and writers were writing about how the Surface will make the iPad and MacBook Air obsolete or how the Surface will kill of the iPad and many other stories. I personally thinks that the Surface is one hell of a device which is both powerful and beautiful. But my say in it killing of iPad and MacBook Air? I do not see it coming.

First of all, the Surface still does not have any information on when it will be available and how much will it cost. These are very critical to see where the device will stand in the race to be the top tablet or ultrabook. Even though the Surface have this powerful and convenient TouchCover with a full keyboard which makes the line between a PC and a tablet thinner, no one has actually tested it out and no one can say how good will it be until someone has actually touched and used it. During the unveiling of the Surface, the TouchCover, there was actually no demo of the cover and developers are not allowed to test the covers. I think it is still in a developing or testing stage and I do hope that it will be great when the Surface is available in the market.

Another point is the fact that the Windows app ecosystem is nowhere near the iOS appstore ecosystem. For me, the success of mobile device does strongly based on the apps availability because apps are the things that makes a portable device useable and functional. Seeing the apps available for Windows, the Surface have no chance of dethroning the iPad. But for sure it will be a great alternative and a awesome competition.

But I am impressed with the Surface although I think the TouchCover highly resembles the iPad’s SmartCover and the stand won’t be that useful like what Microsoft claims it will be because most people or maybe everyone will want to have a casing for it for protection. It will cost you a fortune and you will surely want to take good care of it.

What do you guys think?

Below is a video that shows the similarity between the keynote when Steve Jobs unveils the iPad and the keynote from Microsoft for the Surface. Have fun!

Click here for more info about the Surface.

Mini MacBook Air [Video]

Fancy a MacBook Air? Feels that the MacBook Air is so small, slim and sexy?How about a SMALLER, SEXIER, SLIMMER MacBook Air?

Watch this video to find out a palm sized MacBook Air. The only problem here is that it is called the MirrorBook Air!

I bet many will receive a “MacBook Air” on this year’s Christmas! And there are also the card holder version of this available.

If anyone see this anywhere, please notify us, we would love to get one!



Poor Siri [Video]

Since Apple announces Siri, the intelligent personal assistant, videos on things you can ask Siri went viral. And there are also plenty of funny Siri videos made for fun mocking Siri and so on. These type of videos are so many out in the wild that I started ignoring them when I came across one, until this video!

The first time I saw this video on a blog, I ignored it like I always do, and it started to went viral and appeared in lots of webpages and I decided to give it a chance and watch it. I am glad i did. This video is the funniest and most awesome Siri video made! And we think you should watch this!

This video is created by collegehumor.com but we don’t know why we can’t find this on their youtube channel.

Here is the video:

If you got any better Siri video u watched before, please share on the comments below. Now, stop laughing already!